Leveling up Wasm Support in Kubernetes - Matt Butcher, Fermyon

Описание к видео Leveling up Wasm Support in Kubernetes - Matt Butcher, Fermyon

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Leveling up Wasm Support in Kubernetes - Matt Butcher, Fermyon

WebAssembly is a compelling technology for writing high-performance apps inside of Kubernetes. With cold start times coming in at half a millisecond, Wasm programs can be started, scaled, and stopped in the blink of an eye. This makes them a brilliant complement to containers, which often take seconds to cold start, but which are much better for long running process. We took an early shot at adding WebAssembly to Kubernetes when we built Krustlet (a CNCF project). Later, WebAssembly support was added at the Containerd level with Runwasi. In this talk, we explore the future of WebAssembly support in Kubernetes, investigating how we can reap the complete benefits of this new technology without having to force it to act like a container. We’ll explore using proxying to scale WebAssembly workloads from zero to thousands and back again in an instant.


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