The Seiko SZSB015 is PRETTY but a HUGE Bummer

Описание к видео The Seiko SZSB015 is PRETTY but a HUGE Bummer

Come find out why I got so upset with this JDM Seiko and what I did about it!

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P.O. Box 1692
Wailuku, HI

I have full, paid rights to use all the music within this video. Licenses provided upon request.


Tonight I went to go buy a new computer keyboard. The one I had busted. I had it for about eight years so it had a good run! I loved that thing. It was slim, quiet and black-lit.

After searching a few stores, I went to Walmart and found one that I wanted which was behind a locked case. I went to the counter and waited in line. There was one woman working and she looked a bit sour. She wasn't unprofessional or anything but I could tell and FEEL that she wasn't having a good evening. This was especially so since the man before me completely wasted her time and got aggressive because his credit card was not working. I silently wished him well on his journey.

When it was my turn, I greeted her with a big smile and advised that I required a computer keyboard from the case. On our way to the case, I asked her how her day was going. She replied immediately with "BUSY!"

I laughed and told her that I could see that. Without hesitation, she unloaded on me about how her night was proceeding. She told me that she was all alone in that department, that almost everyone called in sick and the one other worker that was supposed to be with her has been on her lunch break for two hours now. Two hours!

I told this woman that I know exactly where she's coming from and that I had been in the same shoes many, many times. I gave her a little support by saying that she's doing a great job and that I appreciate her.

I could almost taste the weight being lifted off her shoulders. She sighed, looked at me and said "thank you!" with a big smile. She went from looking frustrated to being in a chipper, happy mood and man, that felt nice.

My new keyboard was rung up and she gleefully asked the next person in line to provide assistance and was whisked away to another section. As she was walking away with them, she turned around, waved to me and said bye with a smile.

That's what I'm talking about, folks! Even if just going shopping, we have the capability to be mindful of others and lift them up when they need it. We need to care for our fellow humans even if and sometimes especially when they are complete strangers.

Kindness Above All

Much love,

00:00 Intro
00:58 About
02:51 Measurements
03:20 The Problems
10:42 Falling In Love
11:18 Check the Lume
13:41 Thoughts
15:29 The Boys


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