Sleeve Modification : Reducing Sleeve Cap

Описание к видео Sleeve Modification : Reducing Sleeve Cap

Hallo my dear viewers💥

Welcome back to Ruhoni Sewing.

It has been a while since I posted a video happens. I am sorry for not posting videos and sometimes delaying in answering your questions.

But now I am back and ready to continue learning with you by sharing videos on pattern drafting and sewing.

Today we will be sewing muslin- in short we are testing our patterns - front, back and sleeve pattern.
We are going to sew a muslin and try it on, to see if it fits well or we need modifications.

This is a step WORTH taking before you start using your patterns.

Please subscribe so that you don’t miss any of my tutorials.
For more details please read:
PATTERNMAKING for Fashion Design by Helen Joseph Armstrong: 2nd Edition.


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