Mindful Listening | Day 7 of January Meditation Challenge

Описание к видео Mindful Listening | Day 7 of January Meditation Challenge

Tune into the world around and within you with this mindful listening meditation. This practice helps you cultivate presence and deepen your awareness by focusing on sounds, fostering a sense of calm and connection.

Join the January Challenge - https://peacefulwellness.institute/ja...
🧘🏻‍♂️Free Discovery Chat for Mindfulness or Spiritual Coaching, Meditation Instruction, or Sound Healing - https://debphelps.com/private-session...

🙏🏻Live Classes, Full Meditation Library & Articles - https://peacefulwellness.studio

🤲🏻 Peaceful Journey to Wellness Facebook Group -   / peacefulwellnesssangha  

🧘🏻‍♂️Meditation Teacher Training - https://peacefulwellness.institute

Deb Phelps - https://debphelps.com

Facebook -   / peacefulwellnesswithdeb  
Instagram -   / peacefulwellnesswithdeb  



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