Book Review of Au Revoir Tristesse Lessons in Happiness from French Literature by Viv Groskop

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Hello everyone

It's that time again for a new book review and what a delight this one was for me. I had been having a hard time trying to get into books recently but when I found this one on my bookshelf, I immersed in it completely. I loved it because I resonated a lot with the author who had a love for all things French.

In this book, she choose 12 books in French literature and shares to us, the lessons in happiness from within them. It's a book that not only talks about these classics but also the stories of their authors and peppered with stories of her growing up obsessed in being someone other than herself - of wanting to be French (yep, I know THAT feeling!).

My lesson from this book is that there are times when a book is meant to be read at a certain time in my life. I'm glad this one came at this time.

Have you read this book? If so, share your comments below OR share your favourite literature book and what you learned from it too.

Happy reading!


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