Winter Boating on the Norfolk Broads: A Liveaboard Sailor's Tale Norfolk Broads Forum

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Navigating the Challenges of Winter Boating on the Norfolk Broads: A Liveaboard Sailor's Tale.
As I embark on recounting the events of a remarkable day, the temperature hovers in the 30s, and I find myself amidst the flashing lights, signalling a potential rescue mission. However, my immediate concern is the erection of the mast, a task I prefer to undertake on a stone or mooring for safety reasons.

The peculiar choice of location for this mast-raising endeavour is Gates Day, which, despite its misleading name, is not a festive occasion but rather a nod to the mooring site. This decision stems from our return to the South Broad after navigating the complexities of the North Wards, where numerous bridges posed logistical challenges.

November 1, 2016, marks the beginning of the mast reinstallation, a long-overdue task due to our prolonged stint in the North Wards. The decision to keep the mast down in the North and rely on the engine was a strategic one, making the journey more manageable. However, the South Broad offers more space for sail utilisation, prompting our solitary struggle to secure the mast in its rightful place.

The costly venture of boat maintenance adds a layer of frustration, with the replacement of the steel wire in the roller furling system proving to be an unexpected expense. Balancing the joy of investing in the boat with the financial strain becomes a recurrent theme during this period.

Fast forward to December 2016, where the mild weather encourages a quest for wood for the boat's burner. The preference for coal, lasting longer and emitting less heat, is highlighted. A seemingly abundant supply of wood, when processed, reveals its deceptive quantity. The efficiency of a chainsaw becomes apparent, streamlining the process and minimising the labour involved.

Despite the unconventional appearance of loading logs onto the boat, practicality takes precedence over aesthetics. The impending winter weather justifies this approach, ensuring a readily available source of warmth. The strategy involves securing logs and, if needed, seeking assistance from a friend with a chainsaw to further refine the sizes.

As December progresses, the narrative shifts to the frozen river, presenting a picturesque yet challenging scene. The quest for warmth and the realisation of the river's changing dynamics lead to innovative solutions, such as the log storage method. While the appearance might raise eyebrows, functionality triumphs over appearance in the face of winter's harsh reality.

January 2017 unfolds with the persistent cold gripping the river in icy clutches. The frozen landscape prompts a shift in plans, a journey to a powerpoint in Earthstead for computer usage and additional warmth. The frozen river, though beautiful, poses challenges for navigation, with damaged boats and icy impediments.

As the article concludes, the sailor reflects on the unique experience of a nearly deserted river during winter. Despite the challenges and the upcoming crowded season, there's a sense of contentment in the solitude, appreciating the ghost town ambiance.

In this sailor's tale, the ever-present theme is the delicate dance between the joy of sailing, the challenges of winter maintenance, and the constant financial considerations. The mast's erection, wood sourcing, log processing, and navigating frozen waters become metaphors for the intricate dance of life on a boat, where practicality often trumps aesthetics, and every season brings its own set of challenges. #Norfolk #Broads #SailingLife #BoatLiving #SailboatAdventures #OceanNomad #LiveAboardLife #Norfolk #Broads


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