We Made the Best Newgen/Regen Facepack Ever

Описание к видео We Made the Best Newgen/Regen Facepack Ever

HERE IS THE UPDATED INSTALLATION GUIDE    • The Best Regen/Newgen Facepack Update...  

It identifies ethnicity. It identifies skin color. It has a UI that helps you install it. It took six months and a team of brilliant people to make. This is my favorite thing around Football Manager I have ever done, a passion project, and I am so thankful for Samaroy, Gestalt, Krysler, HRiddick, and my mod team for actually knowing how to do it and providing the processing power. Football Manager has really never seen anything like this before, and we hope to keep improving this regen facepack in the future, making it better and better.

I am always trying to make better things for you guys, know that. I love Football Manager and now that I have a chance to really make impactful improvements to it that’s what I’ll be doing. If you have any ideas like this, of course, let me know, I love comments. Hopefully, people on Football Manager around the world can enjoy this regen face pack and create endless stories with its realism. I for sure will.

Much Love,
FM Senpai

Get the facepack here:

individual downloads below if you prefer the painful method

File Paths:
%localappdata%\Programs\NewGAN Manager
%userprofile%\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2021\views

Forgot to mention an important step (FIXES NEWGAN NOT OPENING):
In %localappdata%\Programs\NewGAN Manager open the "app" folder and copy the .config folder.
Then got back to the NewGAN Manager folder and paste the .config folder and overwrite.

If you have the in-game editor, in scouting click "Add Condition", select "Hidden" - "Is newgen" and then change "is" to "is not"

%localappdata%\Programs\NewGAN Manager\newgan.log

Save the newgan.log and attach it and the .RTF file (from 14:34) to: [email protected]

Also new Merch is here, it's pretty spiffy - https://highscoretees.com/collections...

individual downloads

Faces -- https://mega.nz/file/Z2pwgA4I#hZeWng9...

UI Program -- https://github.com/Maradonna90/NewGAN...


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