Wind Proof a Vinyl Fence

Описание к видео Wind Proof a Vinyl Fence

Bob visits a Levittown, Pennsylvania home where the woman's vinyl fence keeps blowing over, and not only over, but all over the neighborhood because the rails pull out, the fence topples over and the slats go sailing through the air.

After careful inspection Bob realized that whoever installed the fence did so without securing the rails to the posts, but worse yet, they attached the fence with concrete anchors to the top of an EP Henry wall; an EP Henry wall is not mortared together, but instead, the blocks are just stacked. Everytime the wind blows, the fence flips over and the block wall is pulled apart.

This very nice woman hired me to figure out a way to fix her problem and while I had to think outside the box, my job was to wind proof a vinyl fence, and I did just that.

Check out the video and leave a comment if you have anything to wish to add or say; I answer all comments.

Have a great day,
Be safe,


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