...to them who are the called according to his purpose!

Описание к видео ...to them who are the called according to his purpose!

Back to Basics: Christian living Q&A…to them who are the called according to his purpose!

Called for a Purpose: Understanding Our Divine Calling…

In today's Q&A session from Back to Basics: Christian Living, we delve into the profound concept of being "called" according to God's purpose, as mentioned in Romans 8:28 [KJV]. This powerful verse reminds us that as believers, we are not simply going through the motions of life but are part of a greater divine plan.

Key Points:

1. The Called: Those who have accepted Christ and received the Holy Spirit are "the called"
2. Purpose-Driven Life: Our Christian journey is not aimless; we each have a specific purpose given by God
3. Age of Grace: We live in the church age, where Christ is the head, and we have the privilege of the Holy Spirit dwelling within us
4. Chosen People: 1 Peter 2:9 [KJV] describes believers as a chosen generation, called out of darkness into God's marvellous light
5. Divine Guidance: Proverbs 3:5,6 [KJV] encourages us to trust in God's guidance as we pursue our calling
6. Holy Calling: 2 Timothy 1:9 [KJV] emphasizes that our calling is not based on our works but on God's purpose and grace
7. Ongoing Work: Philippians 1:6 [KJV] assures us that God will continue His good work in us until Christ's return

Action Steps:

1. Recognize your purpose: Understand that you have been called for a specific reason
2. Seek your calling: Through prayer and reading God's Word, ask for clarity on your purpose
3. Live purposefully: Don't just go through the motions; actively pursue your divine calling

Remember, you are special and have been given the Holy Spirit to guide you in fulfilling your purpose. Embrace your calling and live a life reflecting Christ's glorious light.


00:00 Introduction and the Concept of Being Called
02:27 Being Called Out of Darkness into Light
03:48 The Significance of Being Called for a Purpose
04:16 The Importance of Believers in God's Eyes
05:17 Seeking and Pursuing Your Calling
05:43 Conclusion

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