The Battle for True Love: An Explosive Clash of Emotions

Описание к видео The Battle for True Love: An Explosive Clash of Emotions

Asal and Ahmed's love story goes on with tensions and serious events. Ali, Ahmed's father, has an irritating incident after hearing about the runaway bride. He discusses with his wife Farida about Ahmed and the runaway bride and they decide to talk to Ahmed about this incident.

Ali met Ahmed with anger and sadness and asked him for an explanation. Ahmad, calmly and respectfully, recounts the story of Asal's love and the danger he experienced against his evil fiance. He explains that Asal ran away from him and hid him in the herd because of the threat to his life.

After hearing Asal's story, Ahmed's family decides to get to know him and help him. They want Ahmed to bring Asal home so they can see her and help her with her problems.

But something unexpected happens. Asal's fiance, Hadi, angrily and disrespecting Ali and Ahmed's family enters the herd and calls Asal loudly. Ahmed and Asal quickly hide and escape the handler's reach, while the herding operator assists them in the process.

Hadi threatens Ali and Farida and asks them to give him the honey, otherwise he plans to inform the police. But Ali, with courage and decisiveness, violently kicks Hadi out of the house and does not pay attention to his words.

After learning the story of Asal's life, Ali plans to help this lonely girl. He understands that Asal is in danger and needs support and decides to help Asal through these difficulties by solving problems and supporting Asal.
#lostlover #Familysympathy


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