The Misuse of [Anti-]Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan - Short Documentary

Описание к видео The Misuse of [Anti-]Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan - Short Documentary

1986 in Pakistan, the [anti-]blasphemy law was added under section 295-C to the Pakistan Penal Code. The section provides the death penalty or life imprisonment for any expression whether written, spoken or drawn which could directly or indirectly, "defile[] the sacred name of the Holy Prophet Muhammad]."

Since the introduction of this harsh penalty, several intolerant and violent actors have used this law to accuse individuals of blasphemy. They use these laws to disproportionately target those belonging to minority religions and beliefs in Pakistan (Hinduism, Christianity, Ahmadi, atheists etc.). Religious minorities have little chance to escape these allegations, often due to their often second-class citizenship status in the country and pre-existing hatred, often fanned by intolerant religious leaders, for not following the mainstream religion or interpretations of it.

Authorities hand down death sentences and life imprisonments without checking the facts in the case. Courts, police, and judges are often biased in blasphemy cases, the mere accusation of blasphemy is enough for intolerant actors in society to consider a person guilty. Those accused of blasphemy are not given a fair investigation or trial.

The weaponisation of these anti-blasphemy laws has a chilling effect on the people of Pakistan's freedom to enjoy their basic human rights, including freedom of expression and belief. It also affects people's right to freedom of movement - where intolerant actors can use perceived blasphemy to force an individual to go into hiding or even rally a mob to kill them. Intolerant actors put a woman wearing a dress with a design containing Arabic words at peril with a false accusation of blasphemy. The intolerant actors took advantage of her status as a woman in a dress, to turn a largely male and intolerant Muslim mob blindly against her with a faulty accusation of blasphemy.

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