CROW PMDinida_ full movie

Описание к видео CROW PMDinida_ full movie

The synopsis:
Crow - The movie is told in three parts. 1. Decay 2. Incarnation and 3. The Crack
As the names suggest they share a state of mind, a state of being in three very different situations.

Part 1 starts with space that has possibly nothing positive around. It is all dead and decaying. You see stillness that is quenching, You experience void, a hollow journey of a mind. The mind of our Crow, this mind has a thought, a thought that is the only positive thing that you discover and see in this journey.

This thought is the silver lining and is the only ray of hope. Is something you pray an individual, a society or a civilization to possess, while it's going through a corrosion or decaying phase.To remain positive, to remain confident and act.

In Part 2, It’s an abstract take on what's happening, at that moment, and stretches to some time of incubation. The crow has performed its duty without getting worried about its personal benefits or life and laid the hope into the pot with some water to live and grow.
The Crow and the hope are now detached, like a child gets detached from its mother, right after the birth. They travel a long way internally to meet their individual fate(s).

The crow dies, the hope grows. The hope grows as the crow has imagined, and that's the success of the crow.

In Part 3, The hope takes charge and when it does, it makes the universe work for itself.
Nature comes to celebrate such brave acts and the universe swirls around time to unveil a different side of the space you lived in. Nature works in a different way than us, it does what it needs to do, without wondering about the outcomes, for nature the outcome is neither the resting ground nor a singular objective.

For nature the idea is what matters, the act is what matters, the wholesome approach that matters, the process is what matters, as the fact remains same, “life always finds its way” and till the time life is there, nature is flourishing.

*life: any form of life.

Three Parts: Each part or phase of one straight physical journey is such a different and unique experience for the mental journey that we wanted to express them very differently from each other, and we regard that as a very important part or even tool of this overall composition.

The Liquid Motion: each part starts with these fluid movements that expressed very much the idea of that part in a very abstract form. I wanted to add this to the movie as a background of the text that we wanted to communicate to our audience. They set up a huge canvas for the audience and it (hopefully) inspires the vision already of what they are going to see. “We want to create this experience together with the audience” was the thought behind making and using them.

Subtitles are not subtitles: The text communication appears at the beginning of each part, in the form of “subtitles' ' how we see it in any digital content, is not subtitles in our case. They are simply the feel and the mind journey that we have expressed in words.
We presented in the popular ``subtitles” style, as I feel that if the text is a part of the frame layout design or the overall composition, it can sometimes be missed, as it along with the visuals make a story. But as spectators, we have a habit of paying more attention to subtitles and we mostly don't miss it.

Directed by:   / prasun_1111  


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