Security Council Recommends UN Secretary-General António Guterres for a Second Term

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The Security Council recommended the appointment of UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres for a second term in a resolution adopted by “acclamation.”

Speaking to reporters followed the closed meeting in which the resolution was adopted, Estonian ambassador and President of the Security Council for the month of June, Sven Jürgenson, said, even though there was only one official candidate, “the process of the selection has not changed since last time.”

Jürgenson said he thinks Guterres has been an “excellent Secretary-General.” He added, “He is a bridge builder; his views on the conflict zones in the world; and he is able to speak to everybody. And I think this is something that is expected from the Secretary-General, and he has proven worthy of the post already with the five years that he has been in office.”

The President of the Security Council said there were other self-proclaimed candidates, but the rules stipulate that candidates must be presented by a member state, and no other candidates were. He stressed that despite only having one candidate, the same democratic and transparent principles that were implemented last time applied, with the candidate presenting his vision statement and hearings being held in the General Assembly and the Security Council.

Jürgenson said “the torch” has now been passed to the General Assembly and expected the process to continue there on the morning of 18 June. If appointed, Guterres would serve a second term starting from 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2026.


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