Planes with Backward Wings are Weird

Описание к видео Planes with Backward Wings are Weird

1. The spanwise component of airflow is towards the wing root with forward swept wings. This is the cause for stalls being avoided at near the ailerons. On normal swept wing aircraft the spanwise airflow is towards the wing tips causing a higher risk for stalls near the ailerons.

2. The tail booms of the Su-47 housed electronic countermeasures. These sort of countermeasures would be placed at the wing tips on normal Flankers.

Heyo, thanks for watching I hope you enjoyed :)
Also I might make a short about the OG forwards swept wings plane the JUNKER, incase you were missing it.

  / thatspaceyguy  

  / thespaceyguy  


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  / thatspaceyguy  

Music: Hyper Potions - Friends
   • Hyper Potions - Friends (Sonic Mania ...  


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