Lego Rock Band - "You Give Love A Bad Name" Expert Guitar 100% FC (112,726)

Описание к видео Lego Rock Band - "You Give Love A Bad Name" Expert Guitar 100% FC (112,726)

You Give Love A Bad Name - Bon Jovi

Don't have too much to say about this one. I start my new job today, so I'll be 7 hours into my 1st shift by the time this vid goes up. It's very likely that I'll have less time to grind GH and RB for squeezes, so I've been working hard to build up quite a large back-catalog of songs for the summer. I've got all of GHWT recorded and ready to upload, and I'm making good progress on Aerosmith too. Lego Rock Band will be done next week, and I'm anticipating starting GHWT uploads very soon after.

My Scores:


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