Exclusive- China's Gu Ailing compete in Freeski World Cup to prepare for Beijing 2022 Olympics专访谷爱凌

Описание к видео Exclusive- China's Gu Ailing compete in Freeski World Cup to prepare for Beijing 2022 Olympics专访谷爱凌

With less than six months to go until the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, Chinese skier and budding global star Gu Ailing talked to the China Media Group in Beijing on Tuesday about how she is getting ready for the Games.

The 17-year-old made her debut at the FIS Freestyle Ski and Snowboarding World Championships earlier this year, and despite being injured, Gu dazzled by winning gold medals in the Halfpipe and Slopestyle, which marked the first two golds for China in the events. After a break this break, the Chinese skier will take part in several tours for the 2021-22 FIS Freestyle Ski World Cup in Europe to gear up for 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics and Gu expressed her expectations for the Games.


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