Digimon 8 Plush toys-Agumon, Gabumon, Piyomon, Palmon, Gomamon, Tentomon, Patamon, Tailmon

Описание к видео Digimon 8 Plush toys-Agumon, Gabumon, Piyomon, Palmon, Gomamon, Tentomon, Patamon, Tailmon

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This is a digimon sharing video.
You can see 8 well made digimon plush toys. They are Agumon, Gabumon, Piyomon, Palmon, Gomamon, Tentomon, Patamon, Tailmon. You will see another 6 digimon plush toys in next video. Let's see how the dolls looks.

Keep looking on my blog/channel. More and more are coming.

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