Star Wars Hunters Guide | Characters | Maps | Planets | Lore

Описание к видео Star Wars Hunters Guide | Characters | Maps | Planets | Lore

Star Wars Hunters Battle for the Arena

Hunters takes place on the planet Vespaara - and from the official website

You can find anything on Vespaara—as long as you're willing to pay for it.
Found at the planet's southern pole, perpetually angled away from the sun,
this rocky "oasis" lives in eternal twilight.

With every hour considered "magic hour" it is the perfect location
to put on the round-the-clock spectacle that the Arena hosts.

What's more, there's an amazing year-round aurora effect in the sky that constantly shifts and reforms,
appearing like a celestial audience of sinister red and purple eyes, always staring down. The show never ends.

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