Season 2 Episode 2 : Moving Past Your Limiting Beliefs - Perfectly Powerfully You Podcast

Описание к видео Season 2 Episode 2 : Moving Past Your Limiting Beliefs - Perfectly Powerfully You Podcast

Join Nikita for this week's episode on how you can recognize and move past limiting beliefs that hold you back in life. Learn four techniques that helps you transform self sabotaging thinking, into actions that propel you into even greater experiences in life.


Paradigms are old habits, patterns and beliefs about ourselves and how we see the world
To move past limiting beliefs and into a state of allowance for greater prosperity, freedom and love use these four techniques
One: pause and notice what you’re noticing; notice your limiting thoughts and how they impact your body
Two: breath; deep belly breaths to move you from a state of fight or flight and into rest, digest and create
Three: get into dialogue with your body; build report and trust with your body by asking it why it’s feeling lack, limitation or fear
Four: visualise your dream self: change perspective and move off of the problem and onto the solution → then take action from a state of empowered thinking
When you need an extra boost, ask yourself “if I were to die tomorrow, would taking this step mean something to me?”
River reed thinking is when you give into the pull of contractive thoughts.

Katherine Loranger "My Dead Dragon" podcast
Mary Morrissey Brave Thinking Institute


As a certified Life Mastery Consultant with the Brave Thinking Institute: The Premiere Training Center for Transformational Coaching, Nikita McCulloch can help you create a life that you love living.
Nikita McCulloch specialises in helping entrepreneurs and aspiring business owners build their dreams, accelerate their results and create richer, more fulfilling lives.
For over 10 years, Nikita has been studying and implementing transformational success principles, and as a sought-after speaker, trainer, and certified coach, Nikita’s workshops and coaching programs help people break through limitations and achieve greater results than they’ve known before.
She has appeared on Tofino Radio, Katalyst Coaching and Resiliency Conferences and shared the stage with world-renown teachers such as Katherine Loranger.
If you’re looking to gain clarity, confidence, and achieve your next level of success, while enjoying the highest levels of fulfilment in life Nikita McCulloch’s coaching programs can help you get there.
Email Nikita McCulloch at [email protected] to learn more about how you can achieve your dreams and create a life you truly love living.


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