Small wishes in the shadow of high peaks"

Описание к видео Small wishes in the shadow of high peaks"

*"Small wishes in the shadow of high peaks"*

In the heart of a green mountain, in the silence and peace of pristine nature, a nomadic family led by Agha Gurban, with perseverance and firm determination, are trying to build a warm and safe house. This daily effort is mixed with small but big hopes and dreams of this family.

Agha Qurban's little sons, with their eyes full of curiosity and zest for life, follow each step of the progress of the work with joy and happiness. They spend hard days sweetly in the midst of stones and dirt, with reckless laughter and sweet children's games.

Agha Qorban, with a tired face but an iron will, stares into the shining eyes of his children and sees sparks of hope in them. Every brick and post that is added to the house gives new life to their little dreams and empowers Agha Qurban and his wife to make their dream and dream come true with perseverance.

Sometimes, the sound of children's laughter and happiness resounds like a pleasant song in the mountains, as if nature joins them and helps them. In the meantime, Agha Qurban appeals to the Lord with all his heart and soul and asks him for strength and success to make these dreams come true.

How beautiful it is that in the shadow of high and snow-covered peaks, the small dreams of this nomadic family are blooming and getting closer to reality every day. This continuous effort is mixed with love and hope and it is as if God himself is helping them in this way.

#Nomads #mountains #warm_wishes #persistent_hope #firm_determination #virgin_nature #silence_of_children #spark_of_hope #longtime_dreams #pleasant_song #retreat_to_God #fulfillment_of_wishes #reality_is_coming #love_and_hope_mixed #Y God bless you


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