Anakin Skywalker Stylish Advanced Combo Video || Disney Infinity 3.0 Star Wars

Описание к видео Anakin Skywalker Stylish Advanced Combo Video || Disney Infinity 3.0 Star Wars

Anakin Skywalker in Disney Infinity 3.0 is the most basic character you get. He comes with every starter pack, so I figured it would be best if we started with him. He's all-around the most basic character to combo with and forms basic strings. He has a force pull, a good ultimate to combo with, and is all-around one of the better characters to duel with. With any character, you can also form some pretty advanced stuff by experimenting with him. He's fast, fun, and has some unique tech.

#AnakinSkywalker #ComboVideo #StarWars #DisneyInfinity #DisneyInfinity3 #DarthVader #FGC #TheCloneWars #TheCloneWarsSeason7


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