Clay Joule - Nothing Like Loving You (Official Video)

Описание к видео Clay Joule - Nothing Like Loving You (Official Video)

Musicians: Pete Brailey (Guitar & Banjo), Clay Joule (Singing Drummer), Amadei Sarsanski (Bass)
Written by Clay Joule
Release date:28-Feb-2022
Mixing & Mastering: TRUWAN STUDIO


You adore your dog with a dedication that rivals your feelings for any other human. Is your dog, on the other hand, enamoured with you? Is it genuine dog loyalty when your dog looks up at you adoringly, or is he simply wondering when you'll dish him his next meal? Don't worry if you ever wonder whether those doggy kisses and cuddling are only to butter up his meal ticket. Dog loyalty is really real, and the link you share with your dog is truly mutual.

Why Are Dogs So Loyal?

Cesar's Way tells out that dogs are naturally caring and affectionate. Because of their pack animal nature, dogs find it easy to form close ties with those they perceive to be members of their pack. Dogs, on the other hand, don't merely form friendships with other dogs. On any given day, a quick scan through your Facebook feed will likely reveal videos of dogs making friends with a variety of odd species, including foxes, deer, tortoises, pigs, ducks, wild seals, and river otters! And everyone who lives in a household with many species knows that, far from being natural adversaries, dogs and cats can be best buddies. Dogs are clearly sociable animals, but the link that develops between them and us appears to go far deeper than simply enjoying our company.   

Adopt Your Love Don't Abandon

A dog's loyalty is so strong that it can override even his desire to protect himself. As you may have noticed, many dogs, even those who have been taught to fear certain situations, will nevertheless remain loyal to their masters, despite being placed in potentially dangerous situations. The loyalty is real, and it's strong. In fact, there are times when a dog will put his own safety at risk to save his master. It's an unbreakable bond, and it can last a lifetime.
When you get a chance , visit your local animal rescue and show your support or even better if you can adopt a pet to become your family member.

There are more than 200 million stray dogs worldwide, according to the World Health Organisation.
Approximately 6.5 million companion animals who enter shelters nationwide every year, approximately 3.3 million are dogs and 3.2 million are cats. Each year, approximately 1.5 million animals are euthanized (670,00 dogs and 860,000 cats).

The Index pulls together data on homeless cats and dogs in only 9 countries from more than 200 global and local sources, boosted by quantitative research on widespread attitudes.

Where in Taiwan, a ban on euthanizing impounded animals took effect in 2017, /the NO-KILLING policy has boosted the high numbers of animals kept in shelter without a significant growing of adoption rate. Taiwan is a small country with a population of over 21 million, the homeless dog numbers is now over 150,000 stray and 20,000 are kept in the shelter for adoption.

Here is an extensive list of animal shelters in Taiwan if you ever want to visit and show your support or adopt a new member onto your family:

Pet Adoption Rocks - by #SingingDrummer & Truwan Studio

#clayjoule #singingdrummer #心愛的小狗 by #PETADOPTIONROCKS #petadoption #truwanstudio


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