Digimon Card Game BT18 Meta Deck Battle TCG: Millenniummon VS Susanoomon ACE 數碼暴龍卡對戰片【千年獸|金剛武神獸ACE】

Описание к видео Digimon Card Game BT18 Meta Deck Battle TCG: Millenniummon VS Susanoomon ACE 數碼暴龍卡對戰片【千年獸|金剛武神獸ACE】

BT18 Meta Deck Battles - Digimon TCG Battle Video: BATTLE 1 -「千年獸」對「金剛武神獸ACE」Millenniummon VS Susanoomon ACE

Check out our store at BANTYO.com if you want to buy the decks shown in the videos!

Team FD既試deck大會又又又嚟啦!!! BT18[元素繼承] 已經係6月28號公開發售, 今代大多都係補強之前牌組, 但最令人矚目當然就係金剛武神ACE既出現以及六翅獸既大幅強化. 我哋當然會用BT18主題牌組進行對戰, 想知我哋對牌組組成同打法有咩特別見解, 就要記住留意Team FD既YouTube channel啦. 而睇完影片想收卡試下玩既都可以click下面BANTYO網店連結進行選購, 多謝大家支持!

We have selected a few competitive decks for the BT18 [Elemental Successor] Meta battles. Which deck will you be supporting!?🤔
Leave your thoughts in your comments!

We are team FD, a competitive Digimon TCG team from Hong Kong. For the next weeks we will be sharing a series of Meta Battle videos showcasing strong meta decks from BT18, so stay with us to which deck wins this team tournament!!!

We will be uploading 2-3 battle videos every week and posting regularly on our channel and Facebook page, so DO stay tuned and give us a COMMENT, LIKE and SUBSCRIBE if you enjoy our content.

Decklist:[  / usn9ls5z7loktdt2  ]

⚜️BAN TYO 番長連合
🔖地址:觀塘偉業街134號 The Ozone 7樓 703室
🔖ONLINE STORE: https://bantyo.com/
開放時間: 星期一至星期五 07:00PM+ | 星期六,日,公眾假期 03:00PM+ (詳細開鋪時間請留意Whatsapp群組)

💠番長綜合 Whatsapp 群組: ‎https://chat.whatsapp.com/EHWLREGNwdG...
💠Digimon Whatsapp: https://chat.whatsapp.com/Dk7TZ1kCSGQ...
💠BAN TYO - Facebook:   / bantyoshop  

🏆TEAM Pages:
💠Team FD - Facebook :   / teamfdtcg  
💠YouTube:    / teamfdtcg  
💠X: https://x.com/TFDtcg

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