Moon Shapedlute or Dan Nguyet vietnam

Описание к видео Moon Shapedlute or Dan Nguyet vietnam

According to ancient scripts, the moon-shaped lute appeared in Viet nam in around the 11th century. Intended to be played by men, the lute has maintained a very important position in the musical traditions of the Kinh. Therefore, this instrument is widely used in their folk, court, and academic music.
The Dan Nguyet is distinguished by its pure and loud sound, as well as by its great capacity to express different emotions. Thus, it is heard at solemn and animated ritual concerts, funerals, or refined chamber music recitals. It can be played in solo, as part of an orchestra or to accompany other kind of instruments.
Due to its long neck and high frets, the Dan Nguyet is also used as an ornament .


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