Synchro Hair Tutorial

Описание к видео Synchro Hair Tutorial

This video is a good resource for everything you need to know about preparing your hair, as well as the gelatin, used for competition hair, If you want to skip ahead to the gelling portion of the video, jump ahead to 13:20 in the video.

The end result is what's important - how you get there doesn't really matter. This video offers a good starting point for technique as well as how much gel to mix up. Depending on your swimmer's hair density, you may need to make more - generally 2 packs of gelatin is the bare minimum EVERY swimmer will need!

I can not stress enough that the water must be BOILING hot! Because we are using such a low gelatin to water ratio, the water must be hot enough to fully dissolve the gelatin, otherwise, the gel dries cloudy and white!!


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