XCOM 2: WotC Gameplay | SHEN'S LAST GIFT

Описание к видео XCOM 2: WotC Gameplay | SHEN'S LAST GIFT

As we set out sights on the Assassin, we encounter a sudden intruder within the Avenger's systems. As we track down who or what was behind it, we may find yet another tool to use against ADVENT.

Special thanks to OverEnglishMan for voicing Bradford, and a fan of the show, Fawn, for voicing Shen!

If you're feeling generous, check out my Patreon (IT'S COMPLETELY OPTIONAL, but very appreciated):   / sethorven  

Check out TearofGrace as well, he's far funnier than me:    / tearofgrace  

Also check out Bestatnothing, he's also far funnier than me:
   / bestatnothing  

Sound and Music Assets Courtesy of:
Various Video Games

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