FCC Wilson Sunday Worship Service | September 15, 2024

Описание к видео FCC Wilson Sunday Worship Service | September 15, 2024

First Christian Church is a Disciples of Christ congregation in Wilson, NC.


You will find the bulletin for this service here: https://www.fccwilson.org/uploads/2/8...


If you have any prayer concerns you wish FCC Wilson to know about, please put them in the comments below and/or email them to us at [email protected]


Senior Minister: Rev. Scott Schieber
Music Minister: Casey Childers
Welcome and Announcements: Theresa Mathis
Worship Leader: Tish Scott
Children's Moment: Rev. Scott Schieber
Elder: Mary Louise Gray



0:00 - Intro
8:54 - Welcome and Announcements
15:03 - Prelude - Processional and Trumpet Tune on CWM Rhondda
19:42 - Call To Worship
20:27 - Opening Song of Praise - Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah - CH 622
22:58 - Praying Together
24:08 - Children’s Moment
29:38 - Solo - I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For - Andrew Childers, soloist
32:57 - Psalm Reading - Psalm 130 - Tish Scott
34:26 - Scripture Reading - Matthew 7 7-13 - Rev. Schieber
35:46 - Sermon - Looking for Faith - Rev. Shieber
52:37 - Hymn of Response - As The Deer - CP 108
55:28 - Prayer Concerns
57:00 - Pastoral Prayer
1:00:18 - Invitation to Offering
1:00:36 - Statement of Core Values
1:01:20 - Offertory - My God, Where Shall I Go - Andrew Childers, soloist
1:04:18 - Blessing the Gifts
1:05:09 - Invitation to Communion
1:05:30 - Communion Prayer
1:06:29 - Music for Communion - Casey Childers, piano
1:09:25 - Words of Institution
1:10:44 - The Lord’s Prayer
1:11:35 - Hymn of Departing - O Christ, the Way, the Truth, the Life - CH 432
1:12:35 - Benediction
1:13:22 - Postlude - CWM Rhondda - Casey Childers, organ


In our music Ministry we would like to thank our soloist Andrew Childers for sharing his musical talents this morning.


If you are new to First Christian Church Wilson or would consider visiting, please visit our website https://www.fccwilson.org/ or scan the QR code in the bottom left of the screen and use the form at the bottom to let us know.


We have made it easier for you if you feel lead to leave an offering! Just scan the QR code in the bottom right of the screen during the offering portion of the service!


First Christian Church is using this music within the context of a worship service. Music shared in this worship service has been purchased and is being streamed through permission of CCLI License Streaming license #11144405 as well as One License Streaming License #A-72572.


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