NYO Jazz Saxophone Sectional with Erica von Kleist

Описание к видео NYO Jazz Saxophone Sectional with Erica von Kleist

Expert saxophonist and NYO Jazz 2018 faculty member Erica von Kleist leads a sectional with the members of the saxophone section.

In the summer of 2018, gifted young jazz musicians from across the country came together to study with and learn from world-class jazz masters during the inaugural season of NYO Jazz, under the artistic leadership of trumpeter, Sean Jones. A completely free program for all participants, NYO Jazz gives young musicians the opportunity to perform as cultural ambassadors on an international stage and share a uniquely American musical genre with cultures around the world through an international tour each summer. To learn more about NYO Jazz at Carnegie Hall, visit www.carnegiehall.org/NYOJazz


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