Dermatologist Skin Care - Sunscreen and Moisturizer to Fight Aging (2019)

Описание к видео Dermatologist Skin Care - Sunscreen and Moisturizer to Fight Aging (2019)

Dermatologist tips to hydrate and protect facial skin to fight aging. One of my favorite solutions:

Let me help you get the best sun protection and results from your facial moisturizer and sunscreen. Fight wrinkles, unwanted skin hyperpigmentation and sun damage when you use your skin care products the right way every day. In this video I help you understand what your skin needs from your skin care routine. I call this ‘Complete Skin Care’. Use your products to give your skin physiologically what it needs to stay healthy and fight sun damage and skin aging. It’s easy with this simple explanation.

As a dermatologist I teach that Complete Skin Care involves the essential steps of CLEANSE, CORRECT, HYDRATE, PROTECT. Your moisturizer fits into the HYDRATE step. Your sunscreen is used to accomplish the PROTECT step. Products work best applied in this order because of how your skin absorbs the important active ingredients.

You can see that moisturizer is applied after you have cleansed your skin and applied any correcting products. Correcting products are those you use to fight skin problems such as acne, rosacea, skin aging etc. You apply them on freshly clean skin for best absorption. Your moisturizer then ‘seals the deal’ and locks these products in so that they can work their magic. Your moisturizer holds water to your skin and also helps replenish lost skin lipids and/or rebuilds any damage to your skin’s precious barrier. Conceptually, moisturizer is critical for helping you maintain a healthy skin barrier for your facial complexion.

Your sunscreen, on the other hand, typically does not depend on being absorbed significantly into your skin. It works by sitting on the top of your skin or binding with the outermost layers of your skin to protect you from UV rays passing into your skin. The one caveat is that the chemical sunscreen UV filters do have to bind with this outermost layer. They can make it through your moisturizer to do this. In fact, they are a topic of controversy right now because they are being found to actually enter your body through your skin. My strong preference, as a dermatology and wellness expert, is to use products that rely on mineral zinc oxide as the main sunscreen UV blocking filter. I’ve said this for over 20 years and it’s more relevant today than ever before. Mineral sunscreens are not absorbed into your body.

Mineral UV filters, like zinc oxide and titanium dioxide, sit on your skin and their mechanism of action is to effectively bounce rays off your skin. The terminology is that they ‘reflect and scatter’ UV light to prevent it from passing into your skin where it can damage precious structures such as DNA and cell membranes etc.

Understanding the physiologic needs of your skin, how you meet these needs with your skin care routine and products, and where moisturizer and sunscreen fit into the process answers the question – moisturizer is applied before sunscreen. Pick your moisturizer based on your skin type (dry, oily or combination). Ideally (in my opinion!) apply a mineral zinc oxide sunscreen on top and you’ll have healthy skin barrier and the best sun protection. See my favorite moisturizer and sunscreen product combo that I use every day to protect my own skin here

I hope you found that helpful! If you did, I always appreciate a thumbs up on the video
and I invite you to subscribe to my YouTube channel so that you can keep up with the other educational videos I’m creating on skin health and wellness. My goal is to help you take really good care of your precious skin.

Dr. Cynthia Bailey, M.D.
#SkinCare #DrBaileySkinCare #HealthySkin


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