sherlock&john | for blue skies

Описание к видео sherlock&john | for blue skies


I don't care if you ship this or not, but if you say you don't ship them at least ONE bit after this video you are lying. I mean, don't want to sound arrogant, but I put the most meaninful johnlock scenes/voiceovers in this so...yeah. This song just popped in my head one night and I alwaaaaaaays wanted to vid it, but I never did it because most couples I would have vidded it with have amazing videos with this song already. Then, JOHNLOCK just took over my head while thinking and listening to this song again and again and I had to do it because it's basically written for them. To be fairly honest, I wasn't even a hardcore shipper of them before this video, but while making this...oh god, I ship this so much. I can't even tell if as a bromance, romance or what, I guess they're just too special to put a label on. I hope to make more videos with this show though and not just like this type, maybe more like my hannibal-type of video *-*

Well, I hope some of you, my subscribers, watch this show/ship this cause a 6 minute video kinda makes up for the previous month where I basically put nothing new here (or I like to think so). And now I'm going to get serious and my next video will REALLY be a video to thank you all for being here and subscribing to me, because I've been an obvious bitch and kept pushing the beginning of that video...but who knows when that will be though, because next week school starts again :(

Coloring: me (I made this again sklnlkfmsklnsf I kinda started hating it during the finishing of this video but I hope you don't think it's too bad)
Song at the end of the video!!!

~Anca. x


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