🌎맨해튼에서 소실점을 찾아라!🔍 Quasi-Globally Optimal and Real-Time Visual Compass in Manhattan World (RA-L 2022)

Описание к видео 🌎맨해튼에서 소실점을 찾아라!🔍 Quasi-Globally Optimal and Real-Time Visual Compass in Manhattan World (RA-L 2022)

발표일: 2024.07.18

발표자: 김대호

제목: Quasi-Globally Optimal and Real-Time Visual Compass in Manhattan Structured Environments

개제: RA-L 2022

발표 자료 : https://docs.google.com/presentation/...

AIRLab: http://airlab.khu.ac.kr/


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