Bonneville Cutthroat

Описание к видео Bonneville Cutthroat

Bonneville cutthroat trout are a truly resilient species. They survived the desiccation of their original home - ancient Lake Bonneville, adapted to life in mountain streams, persisted in remote headwaters when nonnative trout invaded their habitat, and with help from various management agencies, returned to much of their historic range. Our Speaker, Jonathan Reynolds, is the Fish Biologist at Great Basin National Park and he has been working with Bonneville cutthroat trout for the last 13 years.

Key moments:
6 min: Presentation overview and introduction to the species
16 min: Lake Bonneville's ancient past
22 min: Post European Settlement
25 min: The Era of Conservation & what the future holds
40 min: Techniques for sampling and current projects
51 min: Q & A


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