安倍晋三遇刺身亡 | Assassination of Shinzo Abe

Описание к видео 安倍晋三遇刺身亡 | Assassination of Shinzo Abe




社论:后安倍时期日本政局几大看点 https://bit.ly/3nX0vfO
两次任相 安倍曾推行“安倍经济学”救日本经济 https://bit.ly/3uFH7Ys
于泽远:中国网民激辩安倍遇刺 https://bit.ly/3uFxYiD
日本选后势必加快修宪步伐 ​中国外交部吁汲取历史教训 https://bit.ly/3O85ogM
统一教:安倍非成员也非顾问 嫌凶母亲是信徒有无捐款暂不便置评 https://bit.ly/3z82ynL
沈越:记者眼中的安倍晋三 https://bit.ly/3It5XAt

01:31 安倍遇刺身亡,震惊天下
08:11 保安为何如此疏失
13:25 安倍突然离世对日本政治的影响
20:50 国内和国际评价不一?
22:55 修宪力量,安倍遇刺效应?
26:22 问答时间


Former Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe was assassinated while campaigning in the city of Nara on 8 July 2022.

Mr Abe, Japan's longest-serving prime minister, led Japan through the recovery from the 2011 earthquake and sought to revise Japan’s post-war pacifist Constitution with the ultimate goal of restoring Japan as a normalised military power. In 2020, he stepped down as prime minister due to health reasons but remained active and influential in politics.

In this episode of Zaoabo podcast Global Heartbeat, Professor Emeritus at Japan's Ryukoku University, Toh Lam Seng, and Lianhe Zaobao’s Tokyo correspondent Foo Choo Wei discuss the impact of Mr Abe’s assasination on Japan’s political landscape.

Hosted by Lianhe Zaobao’s Associate Editor Han Yong Hong, Global Heartbeat is a Mandarin weekly news and current affairs podcast that is updated every Tuesday, 7.00 PM SGT. It is available on zaobao.sg, Apple Podcast, Google Podcasts, Spotify and other podcast platforms.

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