Manipulate your data. Data wrangling. R programmning for beginners.

Описание к видео Manipulate your data. Data wrangling. R programmning for beginners.

If you are learning to use R programming for data analysis then you're going to love this video. It's an "R programming for beginners" video that deals with manipulating data. What does that mean? Well, before you can do any statistical analysis of your data, you'll need to get it into the right shape. You'll need to select variables and filter rows. You'll need to recode observations and sometimes create new variables.

In this video you'll learn about the mutate function to create new or change existing variables and the if_else function that can be used for conditional changes to observations. If you are learning data science, statistics or are doing quantitative analysis in your research using R, then this is an important step in your management and analysis of data. This video forms part of a series that includes, explore your data, clean your data, summarize your data, manipulate your data, visualize your data and then analyze your data with statistical and modeling techniques.

A huge thank you to Nested Knowledge for supporting the creation of this video. Nested Knowledge. Create and share your Systematic Review on the Internet


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