Comparing Harpsichord's Sounds

Описание к видео Comparing Harpsichord's Sounds

Here Joyce Chen performs on several harpsichords made in Stonington at the workshop of Richard Auber, owner of Zuckermann Harpsichords. This is a great video for comparing the sound of each Zuckermann instrument to the other. The instruments are in order and time of appearance:
0.01 Blanchet/Taskin double manual French
0.15 Italian harpsichord III
0.30 German single-manual harpsichord after Antoine Vater
0.48 Troubadour virginal
1:07 Blanchet/Taskin double manual French
1:28 Italian harpsichord III
1:55 Troubadour virginal
2:48 German single-manual harpsichord after Antoine Vater
3:18 Blanchet/Taskin double manual French


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