Violent Blue - Violent Blue (1996) [FULL CD]

Описание к видео Violent Blue - Violent Blue (1996) [FULL CD]

Extremely obscure band from Houston, TX. This whole thing is practically non existant anywhere online, can't even find a single piece of info about the band other than they were in Houston. Shame. This CD is a pretty solid piece of "Art Rock" (Which if you don't know, is kind of like.. avantgarde? Idk how else to explain it) with some elements of ethereal and indie.
This was on the gothic record label "Tone Zone Records", and that was actually how I discovered this. Everything I've heard on that label has been amazing as a goth/rivethead. Like, seriously a little treasure trove of hidden gems. I might upload more of those albums on here over time. But for now, enjoy this one if you can appreciate more unique/niche stuff like this.

01 - 00:00 - A & E
02 - 03:27 - Heaven
03 - 10:22 - Tremolo
04 - 16:21 - Balladier
05 - 21:27 - Sleeping Bella
06 - 26:16 - Quick


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