gareth.t - honest feat moon tang (official video)

Описание к видео gareth.t - honest feat moon tang (official video)

"honest, it's too hard to be honest"'s easy for one to lose their way in the chase of success and dreams especially in this city of 7 million people. but ill try my very best to keep my course with the help of @moon tang and a couple of loving friends

listen to the song on:
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► instagram:   / gareth_tong  

video credits
director: ran zhang
on set production manager: nicholas cheung @nicholascheung and natalie wong @pinkmonster
director of photography: ran zhang
camera operator: ran, jimmy kwan @hagausiumai and matthew ho @mattsphotos___
focus puller: jimmy kwan @hagausiumai
gaffer: eric wong @thewonggrip
electrician: coco lam
make up artist: kary chan @kkarychan
bts photography: gabriel lee @gabrieljslee
editor and colorer: ran zhang
special thanks to: mido cafe 美都餐室

song credits
performers: gareth.t @gareth_tong and moon tang @moonstyles_
composition & lyrics : gareth.t @gareth_tong and jacob strom @jstrom_
producer: gareth.t @gareth_tong
arranger: gareth.t @gareth_tong, teddy fan @teddyfanguitar and patrick yip @yippatrick
project & artist manager: nicholas cheung @nicholascheung
mixing: enoch cheng @enoch_cheng and gareth.t @gareth_tong
mastering: chris gehringer @chrisgehringer of @sterlingsound
a&r: nicholas cheung @nicholascheung
label: warner music hong kong ‪@warnermusichk‬


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