Featured Document Display: A President Resigns - 50 Years Later

Описание к видео Featured Document Display: A President Resigns - 50 Years Later

The National Archives holds historic records related to President Nixon’s resignation, which took place 50 years ago this month. Nixon’s letter resigning the presidency, Ford’s nomination of Nelson Rockefeller as Vice President, and more are showcased in the Featured Document Display in the East Rotunda Gallery of the National Archives Building until September 12, 2024.

The rotating exhibit of featured documents is made possible in part by the National Archives Foundation. To plan your visit and receive more information about these documents, go to museum.archives.gov.

📸: President Nixon departs the White House, August 9, 1974. WHPO-E3386 35, ‪@RichardNixonLibrary‬.
📸: President Nixon addresses the United States, August 15, 1971. WHPO-7021-05A
📸: Watergate complex, June, 17, 1972. National Archives Identifier 304965
📸: Secretary of State Henry Kissinger accepts and initials President Nixon's resignation letter, August 8, 1974. Nixon Presidential Library and Museum
📸: Richard Nixon’s letter resigning the Presidency, August 9, 1974. National Archives Identifier 302035
📸: President Nixon, Pat Nixon, Vice President Ford, and Betty Ford walking from the White House to the president's helicopter, August 9, 1974. WHPO-E3386-35
📸: Presidential Proclamation 4311 pardon of Nixon, September 8, 1974. National Archives Identifier 299996


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