Heavy Topics for the Bunnies... Tell Your Tale S2 Episode 30 Animatic Leak Review

Описание к видео Heavy Topics for the Bunnies... Tell Your Tale S2 Episode 30 Animatic Leak Review

TYT S2 E30 Habitat of a Lifetime

The Hoppalottas need a home! But something is holding them back... Time for Trauma, PTSD and somehow Parenting all in the same episode! Join me and find out how^^

After our troubles on YT, the safest way to get the stuff are the torrents! You can still get the torrents here! The scripts are in there too^^
Get the episode here:
Torrent file: https://files.catbox.moe/xat0sz.torrent
Open this in a BitTorrent client (https://qbittorrent.org/ is recommended)

Seafile Folder: https://seafile.skyros.cloud/d/a02eea...
Mega Folder: https://mega.nz/folder/c4ZC3Dpa#S1ymZ...
Torrent List (Thanks to Plucky Pizzicato on DC): https://pastebin.com/V7hFnrX4

Watch it on my alt channel:    • MLP: Tell Your Tale S2 E30 Animatic |...  
Watch it without watermarks on PonyTube!: https://pony.tube/w/fFzcfbdHGXrqmw5aw...
Previous TYT Review:    • A Brand New World! Tell Your Tale Spe...  
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Thanks to my Supporters
Windy Berry
Shane Vance

If you wanna know what to talk to me about, here is a list of things I know way too much about^^: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1E...

MLP Style Vectors were made by:   / changelingrazor  

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   / @doc_anubis  


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