Police search for missing family member in Lamoni, Iowa

Описание к видео Police search for missing family member in Lamoni, Iowa

if i had waited a couple of minutes this would have been a stop at my parked car instead. But the sun is going down fast at around 5:20pm.

I show in this video that I was nervous about the cop as soon as I saw him pulling into the park. No one came into the park when I was there. The cold weather might be keeping people more indoors?

I had no intention of dragging a conversation out with the cop under these circumstances, between me driving and him searching for a young man. I told the cop all I knew, which wasnt much.

I appreciated that the cop rolled down his window to talk instead of whipping a U turn and chasing me down.

I started recording the drive on my Gopro 10, then grabbed my Max for the talk. I felt hesitant to place Max on the roof for this short talk.

Foreman City Park
424 N Linden St, Lamoni, IA 50140


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