to the class of 2020.

Описание к видео to the class of 2020.

Never thought it would end like this, but wow, it's been such a great four years.
I will be forever grateful of the beautiful memories and people I was blessed to meet at my sweet high school. Saxony has been a home to me and has been a place for me to grow in so many ways.
God knew what He was doing when He led me there.

To the non-seniors,
In one way, shape, or form, you have impacted my life. Whether it was a smile down the hallway, a hug when I really needed it, or a text that made my day... the little things truly do matter. So, make sure to not take the little things for granted. Soak in every "I believe" cheer and all of the "lame" music at dances. Don't let other people's opinions hold you back. It took me too long to feel confident to be myself in school... and I wish I could have felt confident for longer. So be yourself. Cheer as loud as possible. Make funny jokes in class. Dance in the rain. Hug your people. Love on this little town for as long as you can. It may be small, but it is such a darling place.
Thank you for bringing me so much joy.

To all of the seniors in my class,
Thank you for giving me a reason to come to school each day. Thank you for challenging me in every possible way. Thank you for being the reason I smile, laugh, and cry. And thank you for not getting too annoyed with me filming all of the time, haha. Our four years have been filled with good, and bad, but I wouldn't change one thing. These years have shaped us into who we are today.
I am going to miss you all so much.
Our class is truly special, and I have faith that every single person in our sweet class is going to change the world in some way.
God is still working. He has such a great plan for us.
& I am praying everyday I will see y'all again soon.
I love you all so dearly.
From your classmate that always has a camera around her neck,
love, Claire.


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