EVERY CLONE That Disobeyed Order 66 [UPDATED 2020] [CANON]

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With the call of Order 66 from Chancellor Palpatine, the entire Jedi Order was turned on and tragically betrayed by the Clone Troopers that they fought alongside with during the entirety of the Clone Wars. Many of these Clones sadly did not have a choice in the matter, because of a biochip secretly placed in the heads of every single Clone trooper on Kamino before the war, which forced them to follow any command given to them by Supreme Chancellor.
So, I’m going to break down every single Canon Clone who was able to resist the deception of Darth Sidious and refuse to execute Order 66 on their Jedi General.

Number 1. Captain Rex

Captain Rex was the Clone Captain who served General Anakin Skywalker and the 501st during the Clone Wars. In the final days of the Clone War He was stationed on board a Jedi Cruiser with former Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano after the successful capture of former Sith Lord Darth Maul at the siege of Mandalore. While on board, the chilling message giving the call for Order 66 from Darth Sidious was delivered to Captain Rex, who was a commander at the time. Despite no longer being a member of the Jedi Order, Order 66 included Ahsoka Tano because of her close connection with the Order and her Master, Anakin Skywalker.

Captain Rex twitched in fear after the Order was given to him, holding his DC-17 blasters pointed at Ahsoka, but unable to pull the trigger.

He was able to fight off his programming and the biochip in his brain for just enough time to tell Ahsoka to investigate the incident that occured with Fives, who was a member of the 501st that uncovered the biochip conspiracy by Darth Sidious, but was killed before he could alert the Jedi

Eventually however, the chip in his brain forced him to succumb to the Order and he began to fire on his friend.

This warning allowed Ahsoka to escape the blaster fire of Rex, and led her to discover the truth about the inhibitor chips. Ahsoka then commander Captain Rex, before she snuck his unconscious body into a medical-bay inside of the ship, and was able to use the force to locate it. Eventually, she was able to remove Rex’s chip, marking the moment he finally disobeyed Order 66.

Number 2. Clone Medic Kix

Not long after the Battle of Anaxes, where Kix fought alongside the Bad Batch and Anakin Skywalker, he started to become extremely suspicious of the incident at Ringo Vinda, where Clone Trooper Tup executed Jedi General Tiplar, seemingly for no reason. He began to conduct an investigation into the incident after he had discovered that Fives may have known the truth behind the killing. Eventually, Kix did learn the truth about the inhibitor chips inside of the heads of every single Clone, and realized that Tup only killed General Tiplar because of the chip.

Count Dooku quickly took notice of Kix’s investigation however, immediately sending separatist forces to capture and arrest him for interrogation, where torture was used.

After his capture, The separatists then harshly interrogated Kix to find out whether or not he had spread the information to anyone else within the Republic, but Kix gave no information away. He was not going to hand over any information to the Separatists, because he knew that it would put his Clone brothers in severe danger.

Because he refused to tell the separatist interrogators what he knew, Kix was immediately placed on board a ship known as the Obrextra III, where he was frozen inside of a cryostasis chamber, ready to be sent directly to Darth Tyrannus himself.
Unfortunately however, the Obrextra was tragically ambushed by Republic forces, not knowing that Kix was on board, leaving it severely damaged and cutting the power from every droid on board. Kix’s own brothers had unknowingly just destroyed the engines of the ship that he was in, leaving him stranded frozen inside the ship in the cold void of space. Because of this, Kix was frozen on board during the events of Order 66.

Number 3. Trooper Wildfire

CT-1701 Wildfire was a Clone Trooper who served in Jedi General Plo Koon’s 104th battalion. During the Clone Wars, Wildfire served as a support trooper for the forward squads of the 104th and was known for his rapid barrages of cover fire coming from his DC-15s blaster. As the Clone Wars ended, trooper Wildfire left the service of the Clone Army before it was absorbed into the Imperial Army refusing to pledge allegiance to the Sith Lord Darth Sidious, meaning he likely wasn't able to execute Order 66. Because Wildfire left the order in the final days of the Clone Wars, he very likely wasn’t on Cato Neimoidia on the tragic day that Plo Koon was shot down by Jag.


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