V Rising - Relaxing Music & Ambience 4k

Описание к видео V Rising - Relaxing Music & Ambience 4k

V Rising Relaxing Music & Ambience this game has quite a chill soundtrack especially farbane woods nights my favorite song. Hope ya enjoy watching and or listening to this video.

Composer - Aleksandria Migova

Gameplay recorded by Loopy


Vampires Rising Intro - 0:00
Dawn Comes (Farebane Woods) - 3:07
Farebane Nights - 8:32
The Castle - 14:09
Song of Dunley (Dunley Farmlands) - 20:25
Moonlight Countryside - 25:25
Hallowed Mountains - 31:09
Kiss of Frost - 36:38
Silverlight Hills Night - 42:24
Clash of Faiths - 49:03
Darkness of Light - 54:35
Silverlight Hills - 1:00:16
Soundtrack on Repeat - 1:05:12

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