Описание к видео RAINBOW ROAD MEDLEY

Take a cruise down a multi-coloured memory lane as we revisit every Rainbow Road theme from the Mario Kart series! We all have memories of the final course of every Mario Kart (whether happy or frustrated), and I wanted to pay homage to almost 30 years of the beautiful music that has accompanied it. I've tried to give each piece its due; look out for your favourite!

Inspired by 8-bit Music Theory’s video on the topic, I explored the various melodic, harmonic, and structural similarities across the series, trying to create a medley that flowed seamlessly from one piece to the next. As I mentioned in my video on Sky Station Galaxy, piano transcription is always my first step in the orchestration process, so look out for a fully orchestrated version of this medley in the future!!!

"The Musical Evolution of Rainbow Road" from 8-bit Music Theory:    • The Musical Evolution of Rainbow Road  

Rainbow Road Medley
Mario Kart series
Arranged by Audio Via

PDF download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HB94...
Sibelius download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/118dC...

Created using Sibelius and Embers.


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