हरिशरणको कमाइ महिनाको आठ लाख.... [ The Nepal today ] Agriculture in Nepal

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उच्च शिक्षा अध्ययनका लागि बेलायत पुगे हरिशरण । अध्ययन सकेर त्यहिँ उनले राम्रो काम पाए । तर उनी नेपाल फर्केर व्यवसायिक कृषि चाहन्थेँ । उनले आफूले पाएको सोचे भन्दा राम्रो काम छाडेर नेपाल फर्के । हरिशरणले सुरु गरेका छन् भैंसी पालन । उनको लागि जीवनमा अन्य काम भन्दा धेरै सन्तोषजनक काम सुरु गरेकोमा खुशी छन् । हेरौं उनले गरेको यो व्यवसाय । हेरिसकेपछि अरुलाई सेयर गर्नुस् । कमेण्ट गर्नुस् ।

Harisharan arrives in UK for higher education After finishing his studies, he got a good job there. But he wanted to return to Nepal and start commercial agriculture. He left a better job and returned to Nepal. Harisharan has started buffalo farming. He is happy to start a more satisfying job in life than any other job. Let's see what he did. Share with others after watching.

बिस्तृत जानकरिकोलागि पुरा भिडियो हेर्नुहोला अनि शेयर र सब्स्क्राइब गर्न नभुल्नुहोला ।
Note: You can share a link to this video online, on YouTube, and on Facebook. Provided, however, that without uploading in whole or in part, the license is subject to action in accordance with applicable law.
सूचना: यस भिडियोको लिंक आफ्नो अनलाइन, युटुब, फेसबुकमा शेयर गर्न सक्नु हुनेछ। तर बिना ईजाजत पुरा वा आंशिक भाग अपलोड गरेको पाइएमा प्रचलित कानुन बमोजिम कारवाही हुनेछ ।
Nepal Today is a weekly television program by Media Plan Private Limited (Registration no.17985/058/059). Nepal Today was broadcasted from Nepal Television Plus. After eight consecutive years of broadcasting, it is premiered every Monday at 7:00 pm on YouTube.

Since its first broadcast on June 29, 2012. This is the first private-sector television program about agriculture.
This program is dedicated to Nepal’s 66% population who are engaged in agriculture.


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