正調守る娯茶平の阿波踊り 300人超の大迫力 "Gojahei", the Fascination of Authentic Awaodori

Описание к видео 正調守る娯茶平の阿波踊り 300人超の大迫力 "Gojahei", the Fascination of Authentic Awaodori

地をはうように進む男踊りに満面の笑みの女法被、艶やかな女踊り。正調のお囃子に合わせ、ゆったりと踊るのが「娯茶平」の特徴です。大編成の鳴り物は迫力満点!"Gojahei" is the biggest Awaodori ren (group), having more than 300 dancers. Their dynamic but authentic dance style, accompanied with a big band of the drams, lutes, flutes and bells, always impresses spectators.


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