British pound exchange rate today 14 may 2024 pound rate in india 1 gbp to inr pound to rupees

Описание к видео British pound exchange rate today 14 may 2024 pound rate in india 1 gbp to inr pound to rupees

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Argentine Peso: 1108.182929 / 0.000902
Australian Dollar: 1.902367 / 0.525661
Bahraini Dinar: 0.474399 / 2.107931
Botswana Pula: 17.130322 / 0.058376
Brazilian Real: 6.380901 / 0.156718
Bruneian Dollar: 1.699620 / 0.588367
Bulgarian Lev: 2.285070 / 0.437623
Canadian Dollar: 1.717781 / 0.582147
Chilean Peso: 1185.308064 / 0.000844
Chinese Yuan Renminbi: 9.136103 / 0.109456
Colombian Peso: 4925.149299 / 0.000203
Czech Koruna: 29.212654 / 0.034232
Danish Krone: 8.713558 / 0.114764
Emirati Dirham: 4.633589 / 0.215815
Euro: 1.168338 / 0.855917
Hong Kong Dollar: 9.859763 / 0.101422
Hungarian Forint: 454.035121 / 0.002202
Icelandic Krona: 175.881429 / 0.005686
Indian Rupee: 105.155616 / 0.009510
Indonesian Rupiah: 20219.558920 / 0.000049
Iranian Rial: 53368.587229 / 0.000019
Israeli Shekel: 4.679671 / 0.213690
Japanese Yen: 192.030245 / 0.005208
Kazakhstani Tenge: 559.977258 / 0.001786
Kuwaiti Dinar: 0.387682 / 2.579434
Libyan Dinar: 6.136743 / 0.162953
Malaysian Ringgit: 5.980387 / 0.167213
Mauritian Rupee: 58.520237 / 0.017088
Mexican Peso: 21.275917 / 0.047001
Nepalese Rupee: 168.327852 / 0.005941
New Zealand Dollar: 2.091137 / 0.478209
Norwegian Krone: 13.649163 / 0.073265
Omani Rial: 0.485721 / 2.058795
Pakistani Rupee: 350.905330 / 0.002850
Philippine Peso: 71.973333 / 0.013894
Polish Zloty: 5.054884 / 0.197828
Qatari Riyal: 4.592584 / 0.217742
Romanian New Leu: 5.814316 / 0.171989
Russian Ruble: 115.577154 / 0.008652
Saudi Arabian Riyal: 4.731371 / 0.211355
Singapore Dollar: 1.699620 / 0.588367
South African Rand: 23.245576 / 0.043019
South Korean Won: 1708.287856 / 0.000585
Sri Lankan Rupee: 374.862848 / 0.002668
Swedish Krona: 13.577523 / 0.073651
Swiss Franc: 1.137163 / 0.879381
Taiwan New Dollar: 40.644220 / 0.024604
Thai Baht: 46.134830 / 0.021676
Trinidadian Dollar: 8.589052 / 0.116427
Turkish Lira: 40.780745 / 0.024521
US Dollar: 1.261699 / 0.792582
Venezuelan Bolivar: 4601010.065513 / 0.000000

May 03, 2024 12:34 UTC
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