இறால் டெவல்/Prawn devil/Sri Lankan Devilled prawn/prawn devil recipe in tamil/ prawn recipes

Описание к видео இறால் டெவல்/Prawn devil/Sri Lankan Devilled prawn/prawn devil recipe in tamil/ prawn recipes

How to make Prawn devil?


250g prawn

1 medium size onion

2 tspn ginger garlic paste

2-4 green chilies

1 Red bell pepper/long chilli

4-5tbspn tomato sauce/ketchup

1-2 medium Tomato

Cooking Oil

Salt, pepper as required.


Clean the prawns. Add salt & turmeric powder mixed well.

Heat the pan add oil now add prawn Deep fry.

Slice onion, green chili and bell pepper. Keep aside.

In a pan, heat 3 teaspoons of oil. When oil is hot, add ginger garlic paste. Then ad fried prawns Mix well.

In few seconds, add the chopped tomatoes s allow the tomatoes to become soft

. Then add 5 tablespoon tomato sauce/ketchup onion, red pepper & green chili add all fried Mix well.

Add some salt & pepper as required.

Mix well. Serve hot with Fried Rice.


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