Brewing Beer: Christmas ale in Norway

Описание к видео Brewing Beer: Christmas ale in Norway

Merry Christmas and a happy new year!

In this home brewing video we show you how to make the perfect holiday season beer.
Well, actually its a recipe for FAST christmas beer. It has a small mature time compared to the traditional christmas beer. So if your late with brewing your ale to the christmas party it works excellent!

The alcohol content is just enough to get a buzz on with your friends, but not something you'll black out on.

Its brewed on the west coast of Norway, and the recipe is bougt at :)

0:00 - Intro
0:11 - Brewday
1:37 - Tapping
3:03 - Tasting the beer in the SNOW

Music is picked up at Epidemic Sound:
The Noel - In a Christmas Spirit Way

Camera used: Sony ZV-E10 and GoPro Hero Session 5

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