Sigmar Polke

Описание к видео Sigmar Polke

Sigmar Polke
Born: February 13, 1941; Oels, Lower Silesia, Poland
Died: June 10, 2010; Cologne, Germany
Nationality: German
Art Movement: New European Painting
Painting School: Capitalist realism
Field: painting, printmaking, sculpture, photography, collage
Art institution: Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, Germany)
Karlheinz Stockhausen:
Klavierstücke Piano Pieces I-XI
1 Klavierstück I, Nr. 2
2 Klavierstück XI, Nr. 7, Version 1
3 Klavierstück II, Nr. 2 ·
Sabine Liebner, piano
Sigmar Polke is a German painter whose works are characterized by a unique sense of humor, irony and intelligence. Although primarily a response to the influx of American media into postwar Germany, Polke's work is influenced by the realist capitalist movement he founded with Gerhard Richter and Konrad Lueg as 'they studied at the Kunstakademie in Düsseldorf in 1963. Together, these artists responded to the nationalist themes of socialist realism developing in East Germany, Polke's style serving as an acerbic critique of the consumer society then in full growth in his country. For his “polka dot paintings” or Rasterbilder, Polke enlarges printed images to highlight Benday dots, made popular by Roy Lichtenstein, and denounce the artifice of American culture and Pop art. Born on February 13, 1941 in Oels, Germany, Polke's paintings, prints, sculptures and artist books reflect his tendency to use unconventional materials such as soot, detergent and synthetic fabrics throughout his career. . He died on June 10, 2010 in Cologne at the age of 69.


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